How can Power of One NGOs help in the fight against the mental health crisis?
Suffering from mental health is a punishment. To an extent, sometimes, a physical disability is accepted and counted bearable than a mental issue. Often, some tragic life incidents leave deep mental scars, eventually resulting in loneliness, isolation, anxiety, grief, career burnout, etc. At the same time, it becomes far more practicable for medical professionals to document physical effects due to an incident, recording and treating the psycho-social impact on mental health yet required to be attended to and studied more.
The paucity of medical facilities and responsible psychiatrists working with government pays has widened the treatment gap in mental health. In between all this, NGOs, the non-governmental organizations that work without measuring profit levels in their services, have played significant roles in attending the mental health section and bridging the gap in medical treatments and facilities by providing low-cost replicable models of care and treatment.
The Power of One - the renowned NGO in Nagpur
The Power of One NGO has been working towards serving the community and developing a better nation. The team has been recognized in Nagpur city and nearby areas for extending their helping hands in various sectors. Like education, medication, developing underprivileged areas and people, women empowerment, helping the destitute, attending to people with disability and mental health issues, and much more. Unlike several intellectually challenged NGO in India, the Power of One NGO serves in multiple fields.
The team has also specifically focussed and is active in areas like child mental health, mentally ill groups, psychotic conditions, dementia, physically abused, etc. They serve them by providing treatments like
Spreading awareness of easy and home care treatments for such patients via campaigns
Mental health awareness programs and making people attend
Arranging rehabilitation centres
Friendly communications with sufferers
Research, training, and building confidence
Provide holistic mental health solutions to deal with different elements of distress and fear
Overcome mental illness stigma through communication, awareness, education, and provision of necessary care.
Perform live shows and make videos on self-care and hygiene practices
training them in different vocational skills and availing support systems for them
The last line
Mental disorder issues have been low for decades, the priority of health planners, and it requires reflection on the improvement of quantity and quality of mental health services in India. The growing numbers of such groups far outstrip the availability and accessibility of medical services for those with mental disorders. A passion drives the dedicated volunteers of the Power of One NGO to support and try to fill the gaps. While their work cannot parallel that of government agencies, their dedicated efforts to help these people to their best serve them with inner satisfaction.
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